Work > Locale

Melanie McKee
Emma Jolley
Monika Lukowska
Carly Lynch
Layli Rakhsha
Rachel Salmon-Lomas
Gemma Weston

Locale showcases the artwork of Emma Jolley, Monika Lukowska, Carly Lynch, Melanie McKee, Layli Rakhsha, Rachel Salmon-Lomas, and Gemma Weston. This exhibition takes an interdisciplinary printmaking approach to address concerns faced by contemporary artists in an era of increased mobility and development of place. The artists address several significant aspects of place through their work, and recognize that the experience of dislocation, relocation, change and memory of place is common to many. Via temporal and physical explorations of place, from the site-specific to unattainable sites, the artists have used printmaking as a means of returning to place.

L: Swim Swam Swum R: Sunk (After Swim Swam Swum)
Silkscreen & Stencil on Somerset
L: 1000mm x 650mm R: 1000mm x 650mm
Return to Swamp
Carborundum, Silkscreen & Stencil on BFK
760mm x 560mm
L: The Draining 1 R: The Draining 2
Digital Print on Ilford Rag
L: 605mm x402mm R:607mm x 419mm